Based on the Grimm fairy tale, Allerleirauh follows the story of a genius architect, forced to flee her home to protect her child from the political machinations of a kingdom in upset. Disguised as a Creature who works in the kitchens, she must overcome her own anxiety to become the architect, the ruler and the mother she was always destined to be. A story of motherhood, chosen family, and the cost of being who you are, Allerleirauh features a delightful cast of flirts, bumblers, stoics, patriots, and a grumpy cook with a heart of gold.
Bookworm Theatrics is proud to present a workshop of this musical by Angela Masi (Books and Lyrics) and Dillon Feldman (Music). Proceeds will be used as a scholarship for a single mother pursuing a bachelor degree.
Performance Dates: 3/10-11, 2023
Venue: Alvin Ailey Dance Theater
Tickets will go on sale 11/1/2022
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